Sillabus 2024 Syllabus

Please ensure that you are familiar with the information in the syllabus before entering.

Verseker asb dat u vertroud is met die inligting in die sillabus voordat u inskryf.

Please note that NO poem that is prescribed in the 2024 syllabus may be used for ANY other item.     Click here for a list of the Prescribed poems.

Let asb daarop dat GEEN gedig wat voorgeskryf is in die 2024 sillabus mag gebruik word vir ENIGE ander item nie.    Kliek hier vir ‘n lys van die Voorgeskrewe gedigte.

Please acquaint yourself with the changes in the syllabus.

Vergewis uself asseblief van die veranderinge in die sillabus.

Redenaarskompetisie – Public Speaking Competition

1 – Voorwoord – Preface

2 – Doelstellings – Objectives

3 – Bestuur – Committee

4 – Sluitingsdatum en Affiliasiefooie – Closing date and Affiliation fees

5 – Inskrwyings- en ingangsfooie – Entry- and entrance fees

6 – POPIA & Vrywaring – POPIA & Indemnity

7 – Regte van die Bestuur – Powers of the Committee

8 – Spesiale toekennings – Special Awards

9 – Afdelings – Sections

10 – Drama Individuele Afdeling – Drama Individual Section

11 – LSEN

12 – Drama Groepe Afdeling – Drama Groups Section

13 – Spreekkoor Afdeling – Choral Verse Section

14 – Toneel Afdeling – Play Section

15 – Instrumentaal Afdeling – Instrumental Section

16 – Vokaal Individueel en Groepe Afdeling – Vocal Individual and Groups Section

17 – Koor Cantare – Choir Cantare

18 – Revue Afdeling – Revue Section

19 – Dans Individueel en Groepe Afdeling – Dance Individual and Group Section

20 – Ballet Afdeling – Ballet Section

21 – Model Afdeling – Modelling Section

22 – Visuele Kuns Afdeling – Fine Arts Section

23 – Skryfkuns Afdeling – Creative Writing Section

24 – Fotografie Afdeling – Photography Section

 25 – Redenaarskompetisie – Public Speaking Competition



Last update: 2024/01/12